29. 7. 2023
Our new female, Hera od Studeneckých rybníků, has a breeding certificate (1m/AM09/5-DRS)!
16. 8. 2017
We have puppies!!!
Litter D (Dante Horalka x Isiss Viva Moravia) was born :-)
(4 girls and 1 boy :-) Dáša, Dorka, Dita, Dina Dante)
Dante Horalka
Our puppies are 5 weeks old :-)
Cora z Posluchovských strání
Cyprián z Posluchovských strání
Cita z Posluchovských strání
first real meal :-))
Our puppies are 22. days old
17.3. 2x International working champion!!!
Yesterday we finally got the certificates!
10. 3. 2015 We have puppies!!!
This morning Inuška gave birth to 6 puppies, 3 boys and 3 girls. All are well!
6.2. 2015
Confirmed, we are awaiting puppies!
Father is Akim z Borovské myslivny
4x CACT, Norowiec, „U“, ZV I.c. (172), LZ I.c. (248), BZ I.c. (120), 3x BZH I.c. (2x 244, 241), Mez. konkurs tropowców (BZ-PL) III.c. (80), MRK II.c. (332), Konk. norovców I.D (94), ZN (84).
C.I.B., BOB, Champion SK, CZ, 2x CACIB,3x r. CACIB, CACA, r. CACA
Danubeduocacib Bratislava 4. - 5. 10. 2014
Bodryk z Posluchovských strání
Saturday V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Sunday - V1, CAC, CACIB
Very big congratulations!
Bodryk z Posluchovských strání ZV OMS Karviná 20. 9. 192 b., 1st price, 2nd place!
Last week ZV 1st price, 149 b. also for Bullet z Posluchovských strání!
19. 9.
Last two weeks we spent in Spain, also visited Bella z Posluchovských strání. Few more pictures from Granada in the gallery.
23. - 24. 8. MKN Lobodno (PL) CACIT for Dante Horalka:-)) !!!
21.7. MSBL CACIT for Isiss Viva Moravia :-)) !!!
21.6. Intercanis Brno Bodryk z Posluchovských strání V1 CAJC BOJ. Congratulations!
19. 9.
30. 8.
Aimy z Posluchovských strání ZN 84. b. Congratulations!
3. 8. Aida z Posluchovských strání BZ Horka nad Moravou I. c, 116 b. Congratulations!
2. 8. 2013
Few very recent photos of Bella z Posluchovských strání (10 weeks old now) added to the gallery.
24. 7.
Puppies are at their new homes, we wish them very good luck! Only little Bella is staying with us a bit longer, she is going abroad and therefore needs a bit more preparations. So we are still not lonely...
22. 7.
Alice z Posluchovských strání ZN 84 p., 12 sec., 2. place. Congratulations!
8. 7.
Our puppies in their 7th week of age and their first walks in the garden. Some more pictures in the gallery.
Bullet z Posluchovských strání
1. 7.
Saturday Intercanis Brno Dante Horalka V1, CAC in champion class. Bojar was not in very good mood this time, but it was nice to see some old friends.
20. 6.
Our puppies are 4 weeks old and they start to look like daschhunds :-)
Bojar z Posluchovských strání
Bodryk z Posluchovských strání
30. 5.
Our puppies are 1. week old!
litter B - 1. week of age - males Bullet, Bojar and Bodryk
litter B - 1. week of age - females Borka, Beatrix and Bella
26. 5.
First pictures of the puppies are added in the gallery.
24. 5. We have puppies!
Three females and three males have been born tonight. We are very happy! I will try to add some photos as soon as possible.
22. 5.
I added a few pictures to the gallery, from my recent trip to swedish Lappland.
18. 4. 2013
Confirmed, Inuška (Isiss Viva Moravia) is waiting for puppies! Proud father is again Dante "Bojar" Horalka.
25. 3. 2013
Isiss Viva Moravia was mated by our Dante Horalka on Saturday. So we will keep our fingers crossed...
4. 2. 2013
Thanks to my colleague Ota Blahousek, few studio pictures with our dogs are added to the gallery.
31. 12. 2012
We would like to wish Happy New Year to all dachshund breeders and friend.
Sorry, I did not have a time to prepare pf, we are hunting a lot these days :-) , so I added to the gallery few pictures from driven hunts instead.
5. 11. 2012
Another successful fox hunt (thanks to Bojar). Few pictures added to the gallery.
20.10. 2012
CACIB Grand Prix Komarom (HU) Dante Horalka CAC (Champion class).
I added a few pictures to the gallery, from my recent visit of Kyoto.
9.9.2012 2 x CACIT !!!
We attended XXII. and XXIII Miedzynarodowy konkurs pracy norowcow im. Stanislava Gachowskiego in Poznañ – Antoninek with an excellent result – both dogs received in both days maximum points, 100/100, and therefore CACIT! It was very long journey but we are very proud now.
Fotography Grzegorz Siwiec
MVP Interdog Bohemia Mladá Boleslav Dante Horalka CAC, r.CACIB
30. 7.
MFV 2012 Turá Lúka Isiss Viva Moravia 3. place (from 38 dogs) (2xV, 2:35 and 2:41), the best Czech dog in the competition!
MSBLJ 2012 Turá Lúka Dante Horalka 1th round V 1:24 72 points, 2nd round H 64 points (37. place from 92 dogs from several European countries)
We received some beautiful photos of Bojar´s youngest offsprings, mother Aida ze Žandovské skály, kennel z Pernštejnského podhradí. The litter looks very balanced, congratulations once again!
Our puppies are leaving us to their new homes. We wish them good long life , loving families and many good hunts in the future. Only little Alička is with us for now.
Alice z Posluchovských strání
Our puppies are more than 5 weeks old now and they are really beautiful. Inuška is very good mother but she started to be fed up of them, so we started to feed them artificially. More pictures in section Litters.
Our puppies are 17 days old. They started to discover the world.
We have puppies! Four females and one male have been born on Sunday.
3. 2. 2012
Confirmed, Inuška (Isiss Viva Moravia) is waiting for puppies! Proud father is Dante "Bojar" Horalka.